Product Update Season 1

Explore advanced image management, RMA enhancements, improved tracking, and export functionalities to optimize your operations.

June 2024

Images Alt Text


Topics: PIM, Media, Images.

Powngo now allows for the management of special attributes associated not with the product, but with product images. These attributes constitute the ALT Text for the image.

June 2024

Carrier Mapping 


Topics: OMS, Carrier, Tracking Code.

Shopify and Tracking Code: not always a winning combination. Currently, there is a specific issue in Shopify during the fulfillment phase and subsequent communication of the tracking code to the system, which will then form the tracking URL in the shipment confirmation transaction. In various cases, Shopify can erroneously associate a tracking code with a different shipping company than the actual one, resulting in sending customers an incorrect tracking URL. To address this problem, Powngo offers the ability to force the carrier assignment in Shopify and the subsequent tracking URL through a simple mapping table.

June 2024

New Export RMA 


Topics: OkReturn, BI, RMA.

For Powngo systems using OkReturns, a new RMA export file is now available, including all information about returns and the products within them. Based on this file, it will be possible to set up all Business Intelligence analyses on returns.

June 2024

OMS Filter Order canceled 


Topics: PIM, Ranking Collections, Collections.

It is now possible to set a filter to exclude certain orders in communications to the management system. This filter automatically excludes orders that have been canceled before the management system has read them. This reduces the number of orders communicated to the management system by excluding those that would be of no use anyway.

June 2024

Export Prices per Season 


Topics: PIM, Ranking Collections, Collections.

It is now possible to select the desired season during price export from Powngo, exporting only the products for that season.

June 2024

Exclude Pricelist from Collections Rules


Topics: PIM, Ranking Collections, Collections.

If you have pricelists in Powngo that are not involved in the standard commercial rules (e.g., B2B pricelists or purely operational non-sales pricelists), you can now identify them using a specific checkbox on the pricelist page. This operation will automatically exclude these pricelists from the price checks carried out in collections (“Special Price at the End”, Special Price rule yes/no).

June 2024

Check Order Status - Download Files


Topics: OMS, Order, Customer Service.

In the Powngo Check Order Status app (an app that allows the end user to autonomously operate on the order, for example, canceling it or changing the shipping address), a feature has been introduced through which Powngo operators can associate files with the order that the customer can independently download from the front end of the site. Automatic flows can also deposit files in the order to make them available to the user, for example:

  • The ERP can make the invoice available to the customer.

  • Documents for possible returns can be deposited in this section.

June 2024

Shopify Cancel via tag


Topics: OMS, Bulk, Flow, Order.

Powngo now offers the ability to cancel orders in the "authorized" status by adding the tag “Powngo::cancel” in Shopify. This simple functionality addresses some native shortcomings of Shopify:

  • Bulk Cancel Order: Shopify does not allow bulk order cancellation (the only option is to purchase third-party apps, such as Matrixify). With this functionality, it will be sufficient to assign the tag (this can be done in bulk or via CSV import) to the orders you want to cancel.

  • Flow Integration: Currently, Flow allows for order cancellation but has a significant shortcoming: in the case of authorized order cancellation, it does not void the authorization, creating a critical time frame. The order is marked as canceled, but the authorization remains, meaning the user will not see the funds released until the authorization expires (which can take up to two weeks depending on the gateway). With this functionality, you just need to replace the order cancellation action in Flow with the addition of the “Powngo::cancel” tag, and Powngo will handle the process.

June 2024

Order Payment ID 


Topics: Order, API, Paypal.

The payment_id field related to transactions of an order is now available data that Powngo can expose to connected management systems. This data, which precisely identifies the payment within the order, is useful in financial reconciliation phases, as some gateways (e.g., PayPal) insert it as the only order identifier in reconciliation files.

June 2024

Remove Special Price - Season Change


Topics: Special Price.

Powngo now offers the ability to activate the following functionality: if the system detects a season change within an item, all special prices loaded on that item will automatically be removed.

This functionality is useful for all merchants managing "continuity" items that change season over time: changing season may require the removal of associated discounts, and with this functionality, this will happen automatically.